What is the Price of Black Walnut?

What is the Price of Black Walnut?

Do you have black walnut trees on your property? Timber buyers near you may be interested in purchasing them. Black walnut is in-demand because of its beautiful appearance and its ability to be processed into many different products.

One of your main priorities is certainly to get a fair price. However, if you haven’t sold trees to logging companies before, how do you ensure you don’t get taken advantage of? It’s important to have an idea of what current timber prices are and understand the factors that impact those prices.

That’s what this article aims to do. It will help you set expectations for the price of black walnut based on current market conditions, historical trends and your unique situation.

What is the Price of Black Walnut per Board Foot?

Price per board foot is a common metric of timber value. What should you hope to get for the sale of your black walnut timber? At the time of writing this article in 2022, the price of black walnut per board foot ranges from $5 to $10. In some situations, landowners are fetching even a little more than that.

If you want to know the price of black walnut per tree, current averages range anywhere from $300 to $1,000. Outliers that are of exceptional size and quality can be worth even more.

What Factors Influence Black Walnut Price?

Numerous factors influence the price of black walnut. The biggest is the same one that affects the price of every product: supply and demand. The good news for owners of properties with black walnut trees is that black walnut is traditionally one of the most desirable types of wood. It’s almost always a strong market.

Other factors that impact black walnut price include the following:

  • Tree Quality – The higher the quality of the black walnut tree, the higher its value. Learn more about determining black walnut tree value by reading this article.

  • Harvest Quantity – The more black walnut trees loggers harvest from a property, the higher the price you can expect to receive. This is because large-scale harvesting enables logging companies to reduce fixed costs by getting more timber from a single location. Of course, this isn’t to downplay the appeal of selective harvesting, which is a practice that contributes to long-term timber health and increases the potential for a future harvest.

  • Property Condition – The easier it is for the timber company to navigate the property, the more money you can expect to receive. Conversely, if the logger needs to spend more time and resources (fuel) on a property that is difficult to navigate, they’ll likely lower the purchase price.

  • Proximity to a Mill or Shipping Facility – You’re likely to get more for your black walnut trees if your property is closer to a processing outlet.

  • Local or Regional Regulations – If any regulations exist that increase operating costs for the timber buyer, timber prices are likely to go down.

There can be some fluctuation in the black walnut timber market. It follows the economy, both domestic and in China, which is far and away the biggest purchaser of black walnut. Historically, a fluctuation of 15% above or below average price is the norm. Anything beyond that would be considered an outlier.

Want to Sell Black Walnut Trees in Illinois?

To learn more or to start the discussion about selling your timber, contact us today.